Now onto training. Its less than 12 months until CDA, so given Evan's 6 days per week advice, I've been working hard to maintain an active schedule. With Conor in training, this isn't too hard to do! He's motivation right there! So last Saturday morning we did another open water swim at Goguac Lake. The morning was beautiful again, water was warm, but comfortable. I began swimming and was with most of the "moderate" paced women when one of them yelled to stop me - telling me we didn't need to go any further. I was confused because at the start I thought we had agreed to swim to a point on the shore where I could see a few swimmers were standing waiting for the rest of the crew to catch up before heading back. I was convinced for a few minutes to stop and turn back until I stopped again, telling myself, "No, I wanted to swim to the white boat and I'm going to". So I took off again, heading toward the group of "fast" swimmers who had already made it there. I was the last one to arrive and had a chance to use Conor's shoulders as a resting pole so I didn't have to put my feet down in the muck! I hate the muck! I can swim through weeds with no problem, but feet in muck really grosses me out! A short rest at the white boat, then headed back to the beach. Of course, I was the last out of the water, but felt good about doing the extra distance and keeping what felt like a pretty nice line through the water, despite having no buoys. I did feel quite a bit of lower back discomfort. I need to research that and see what I'm doing wrong in the water to cause that. While Conor was on a long ride I did landscaping at the house.
Sunday, we landscaped in the morning, then hit the bikes for an afternoon ride sometime after 3. This is my 3rd time on my bike since late March, but I wanted to do something moderately long. We ended up riding west of town through Augusta to Gull Lake, a loop around the lake, then home. In total the ride was 45 miles and we averaged exactly 17 mph according to Conor's info. I had to work hard to keep up with him and stay on his wheel for help. Did pretty well the first 1/3 of the ride, then up and down a bit in the middle 1/3, then really fell off in the last 1/3. But at this point, I don't really care too much, just need to get the miles and time in. Biggest issue was shoulder, back and neck pain. Its distracting. My legs were pretty cashed and my lower back hurt from the swim and yard work. But overall, my legs didn't feel "weak", just tired. I feel hopeful because on that hill in Oceanside they felt "weak" AND "tired".
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